Beautiful Insanity


Oh Lord, reigning on high
Dwelling in unapproachable light
Who can stand before your glory and your might
Oh Lord, you reign on high

And every time I think of who you are and all you’ve done
I’m captivated by the thought that you desire us
How can my heart keep from bursting at the truth of this
Emmanuel, our God wants to be with us

Jesus, incarnate deity
The spotless lamb robed in humility
He chose to die and with his blood to buy us peace
Jesus, it’s my joy to call you King

This mystery never stops confounding me
My God wants perfect unity
I’m undone – what beautiful insanity
That my God is so in love with me
My God abounds in love for me
What beautiful insanity

I stand in awe, that God you want to be with us

Beautiful Insanity