Long Way Home

I set out on a great adventure
The day my Father started leading me home
He said there’s gonna be some mountains to climb
And some valleys we’re gonna go through
But I had no way of knowing
Just how hard this journey could be
Cause the valleys are deeper and the mountains are steeper
Than I ever would’ve dream
But I know we’re gonna make it
I know we’re gonna get there soon
And I know sometimes it feels like we’re going the wrong way
It’s just a long way home
I got some rocks in my shoes, fears I wish I could lose
They make the mountains so hard to climb
And my heart gets so heavy with the weight of the world sometimes
There’s a bag of regrets, my should’ve beens and not yets
I keep on dragging around
And I can hardly wait for the day I get to lay it all down
Well I know that day is coming
I know it’s gonna be here soon
And I won’t turn back
Even if the whole world says I’m going the wrong way
Cause it’s just a long way home
And when we can’t take another step
The Father will pick us up and carry us in His arms
And even on the best days
He says to remember we’re not home yet
So don’t get too comfortable
Cause really all we are is just pilgrims passing through
Well I know we’re gonna make it
I know we’re gonna get there soon
So I’ll keep on singing and believing
What all of my songs say
Cause our God has made a promise
And I know that everything He says is true
And I know wherever we go, He will never leave us
Cause He’s going to lead us home
Every single step of the long way home
Keep on, we’re gonna make it
I know we’re gonna make it
We’re just taking the long way home
It’s just a long way home

Songwriter : Steven Curtis Chapman

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