Everlasting Love
Before the stars were in the sky
Before the earth was ever framed
Long before time had begun
I knew your name
I had a plan for who you’d be
I would create you for My glory
You would be precious in My sight
You would be Mine
I have loved you with an everlasting love
Before you knew My name I sought you
I have bought you with My blood
Throughout the centuries
Through all of history
And through eternity above
I will love you with an everlasting love
There were times you would not listen
And you chose to go astray
As your Father, as your Shepherd
I led you back into the way
When the storms are fierce I held you
In the shelter of My heart
I have kept you from all evil and all harm
For neither heights nor depths nor angels
Nor things present nor thing to come
Could ever separate
Nothing can take away
My everlasting love